Google Changed its Logo
Earlier this week, all eyes were on Google.
As you can see from the video above, Google has changed it’s look. This isn’t the first time the company has redone its logo, but it may be the biggest departure from the original we have seen, ever. Gone is the serif letters that distinguished the search giant from other competitors, now being replaced by a font known as Product Sans.
I’ve been reading up a lot on these changes, why they happened, what does it mean for us, etc. I read an interesting article this morning in The New Yorker about how much one person misses the way Google used to look. There have also been interesting articles where people go back and forth on whether the new logo works or not.
Well, let’s stop and ask why Google did this in the first place. Why simplify a logo that was already pretty simple to begin with. The answer is…simple: Google is changing with us. This quote was taken off of the official Google blog:
Once upon a time, Google was one destination that you reached from one device: a desktop PC. These days, people interact with Google products across many different platforms, apps and devices—sometimes all in a single day. You expect Google to help you whenever and wherever you need it, whether it’s on your mobile phone, TV, watch, the dashboard in your car, and yes, even a desktop!
They go on to tell us that this change was to compensate for the changes in future devices. Google’s old logo simply wouldn’t work as well on smaller screens, and would hinder their consistency across all platforms.
I, personally, like the new look, and knew instantly why it had to happen. People get so attached to things (TV show characters, soda flavors, brands) that any hint of change is met with so much resistance. Sure, sometimes it doesn’t work out (New Coke). But in this case, I think, no, I TRUST, that Google knows how to handle their aesthetics.
We shall see if I’m right in the near future. In the meantime, “OK, Google!”